#2021picoftheweek – Sweetness

A photo of about 7 light-beige cinnamon rolls sitting in a pan (the pan is not visible in the frame). The cinnamon rolls are covered in reddish-brown specks of cinnamon and have a slightly glossy appearance.

Prompt: Sweetness

I've been frantic lately and unfortunately haven't had much time to take photos, but I'm back! Nothing is as sweet as cinnamon rolls—except homemade cinnamon rolls that your mother baked for you because she is AWESOME!!! And don't they look good? (My mom iced them after I took this photo—and they are seriously delicious.)

Camera: Nikon D3500

Editing software: None

Challenge progress:

We have our SECOND BINGO!!! Sweetness, Perspective, Talk to Me, and Small Creatures make for a vertical bingo right down the middle. Now to see if I can cram a third bingo in before the challenge ends this month...


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